I shared with our youth last Sunday night something I came across at the Barefoot Ministries site. The question I asked the youth to consider in response to our Advent discussion on waiting was, "Are you a crock-pot or a microwave Christian?" In preparing for the discussion, that question struck me as silly and powerful at the same time (always a good combination when speaking with teenagers). It also struck a chord with me personally. I am a crock-pot Christian and I don't want to be any other kind. I am glad that the journey is slow and steady and I embrace the hope that God will cause the flavors in me to bubble as my relationship with him comes to maturity. I am glad that God is not finished with me yet and that my faith is enough to get me through while He is working.
This "crock-pot" idea also reminds me of recent discussions I've had with a youth pastor friend named Tom about youth ministry. It seems that much of youth ministry is centered on the microwave approach (instant, ready and complete with no waiting) instead of the crock-pot approach (slow and steady, a process toward maturation). Youth ministry is doing a disservice to teenagers by not focusing on the process of God's transformation of lives. A realtionship with God is too important to seek instant results -- we need to invest in the long journey that brings transformative maturity. We need to let the flavors simmer!
This "crock-pot" idea also reminds me of recent discussions I've had with a youth pastor friend named Tom about youth ministry. It seems that much of youth ministry is centered on the microwave approach (instant, ready and complete with no waiting) instead of the crock-pot approach (slow and steady, a process toward maturation). Youth ministry is doing a disservice to teenagers by not focusing on the process of God's transformation of lives. A realtionship with God is too important to seek instant results -- we need to invest in the long journey that brings transformative maturity. We need to let the flavors simmer!